Zoe Summer: You are enough

First of all: This will be my very first blogpost in english and because english isn´t my motherlanguage, im almost sure I will also make mistakes. I really hope that You read the text but don´t get bogged down grammar errors . Thank you! 

You are enough, Sinä olet tarpeeksi. 

What if I'll say you: 
you are enough.  What will you answer?

Will you say: 

"Well, thank you! I feel so too"

If You say so, Concratulations. You really are amazing and loveable. That´s why I recommend you reading the book called: You are enough!
It is colorful and courageous book for you who want keep yourself confidence in balance. To find something new, which you know you really are enough. 

OR will you answer:

"i dont feel like that. I have things which makes me feel im not enough.  You dont even know me, so how you can say something like that"

Yes, it is possible I dont know you well, but you know yourself and that's why I have a challenge for you. Read a book " you are enough" by Zoe Summer.  

Zoe is amazing woman. She is shiny, kind, unselfish
And inspirational Fine artist, spiritual Author , and Empowering Speaker. She is known as "the feel great expert". Also she is the Author and Artist of  a book "YOU ARE ENOUGH " .

It is very important for me to take care of myself and own resources. To accept myself as I am, to love and be loved. It is important for me to tell myself that I'm enough . I am sufficient. I accept my weakness and than I can never be complete . After all, perfection does not exist.

It was a time when I tought I´m not enough. I didn´t understand It isn´t always necessary to smile or be happy or even feel well. So sad, I say after all. If I want be happy and have the best life which I can get, I must say: I am enough.

I have learned about myself a lot. I am enough with all feelings, all curves and all what-ever! 
One such a wonderful book which gives recipes to happiness, comes over the sea, and it is so good that I want to introduce it to you . I really think It will give you ingredients for a good life.

Why I like that book? Why you should read it too?!

You are enough is a book, which looks good with all colorful pages and pictures. That is very important to all of us, who needs joy.  And the joy takes with immediately.
All the things of the book confirms my belief in myself . It gives me new perspectives to my own inner me! It is like a candy store; I go in, and I want more and more! 
Or maybe I will read a page per day?! Ummmm... What can I do!? :D 

What ever, I get it! I am enough!

This book "YOU ARE ENOUGH" that Zoe wrote and created the photographs for is available at Amazon.com, please click here.

All videos are from: http://www.zoesummer.com/contact-artist-author-speaker-zoe-summer/

Yhteistyössä :Zoe Summer


That book sounds good. Sometimes it's good to slow down a bit.
Tiia Koivusalo sanoi…
Hyvin sujuu ja hei meillä suomalaisilla on kumma pelko puhua ja kirjoittaa "täydellistä enkkua", ei muut kansallisuudet niin häpeä, vaikka ei joka sana menekään oikein. :)
Outi , yes, i agree. sometimes we all need a reminding of what is important and enough.
Tiia, ja joillakin on pakkomielle arvostella toisten puhetta tai kirjoitusta. Viilata pilkkua ja etsiä virheitä. Toivottavasti tällä kertaa sellaiset ihmisraukat myöskin lukevat tämän kirjan ja antavat virheideni olla. :D kirja todellakin muistuttaa siitä mikä on tärkeintä.